On a WinNinG StrEak - Part 2
Were 4-0 and competing for the championship anytime soon…
Our last game was my best game ever. I was playing the zone, possessed by a shooter's touch. As the committee was saying I scored more than half of the points of our final score.
Anyways, I can’t wait to play the championship. I am hoping to have that deadly touch again. Please Lord for our last game… But of course, I need to follow the same routine before the game. And I won’t share my secret for now :) hehehehe
The MaGiC of LoVe
Love is like magic
And it always will be.
For love still remains
Life's sweet mystery!!
Love works in ways
That are wondrous and strange
And there's nothing in life
That love cannot change!!
Love can transform
The most commonplace
Into beauty and splendor
And sweetness and grace.
Love is unselfish,
Understanding and kind,
For it sees with its heart
And not with its mind!!
Love is the answer
That everyone seeks...
Love is the language,
That every heart speaks.
Love can't be bought,
It is priceless and free,
Love, like pure magic,
Is life's sweet mystery!!
To you My sHenGGie, I found true love..
... A love that will last our lifetime.
Happy Anniversary, Mahal! :)
On a WinNinG StrEak
About a month ago, we inaugurated our sport fest at Manila Polo Club. Four teams namely MDI, Wolfpac, Microserve and Microwarehouse are participating.
Yours truly is playing two sports-basketball and badminton (mixed doubles). As of today were 3-0 for basketball and 2-0 for badminton. Our woman's volleyball team is 2-1. Hopefully we can sustain our winning streak until championship.
Way to go TEAM MDi… Let's play as a team and for sure we will get there in the finals.
A GreAt bUy!!!
I was in Robinson Galleria waiting for my sHenGGie's meeting to end. And found my self looking for a pair of basketball shoes for our sportfest.
After making a rounds to all shoe stores, I ended up at "The Athlete's Foot". Looking for either Adiddas or Nike brands only with at-least 12" shoe size. I was given four different models to try, but only tried this black suede rubber. The model is Air Zoom Huarache 2K5, which is being endorsed by Kobe Briant... This light, sleek and nice looking pair does not come cheap... Ouchie ang sakit sa bulsa :(
So I went to play that night against Microwarehouse for our initial game. As I thought it was, this shoe really fits me. I went to lead the team in scoring and made me running from both ends of the court even with a sore left heel. Most importantly we won the game :) Cheers!!!
So guys if your looking for a great rubber, try the Huarache. It's really a great buy :)
LoVe TiPs 101--#5
Great lovers never grow old. You should always be in touch with the child in you if you wish to keep your relationship interesting. Be playful, creative, curious, spontaneous, trusting, and imaginative! Once you capture these qualities, it would be easy to be romantic.
Need I explain more???
The child in us gives zest to one's relationship. Do remember that in a relationship, laugther is the best medicine :)