Thursday, November 10, 2005

A GreAt bUy!!!

I was in Robinson Galleria waiting for my sHenGGie's meeting to end. And found my self looking for a pair of basketball shoes for our sportfest.

After making a rounds to all shoe stores, I ended up at "The Athlete's Foot". Looking for either Adiddas or Nike brands only with at-least 12" shoe size. I was given four different models to try, but only tried this black suede rubber. The model is Air Zoom Huarache 2K5, which is being endorsed by Kobe Briant... This light, sleek and nice looking pair does not come cheap... Ouchie ang sakit sa bulsa :(

So I went to play that night against Microwarehouse for our initial game. As I thought it was, this shoe really fits me. I went to lead the team in scoring and made me running from both ends of the court even with a sore left heel. Most importantly we won the game :) Cheers!!!

So guys if your looking for a great rubber, try the Huarache. It's really a great buy :)


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