A Day to CeLeBrate
When everything is going your way, you just can’t stop good things from coming your way! And it feels great! :)
This is what I felt the first time I said “I Love You… Sheng"! Good thing though she said yes to me that night after our badminton game and Spa experience. :) It was never planned, I just felt that it was the right time to tell her my feelings…
And today, after a couple of months.. thanks to MDi.. our Special Day again… and I am very happy for us as we reach another month of great times.. I know that this is a commitment that will last our lifetime..
God knows how sincere I am with my intentions with her... only time keeps us apart from being united and we can’t wait for that to happen next year..
Love you… Love you… Love you… These are the words I won’t get tired telling you, be'…
P.S. Hope you like my surprises this day.. hehehe
First Time After 195 Days
July 15th- Our First Time?!?
Urggh I can’t sleep… when I’m supposed to… have golf game tomorrow at Splendido in Tagaytay… and tee off is 7:30AM!!!
Actually, I went to bed after sharing quality “phone” minutes with my ShenGGIe. The usual we said each other hi’s, what’s up and I Love U’s… but it saddened me because this is our so called “First Time” not seeing each other after 195days straight… Yes, believed it or not we managed to see each other every single day even when it’s deemed impossible… Imagine everyday we get to see each other before and after work. And all of a sudden, as if lighting strikes twice we won’t be able to share each other hugz and kisz Grabeeee… how I wish I’m Clark Kent now and just see her in a snap. Yup, I went home early from work on a Friday and spend the rest of the night watching SmallVille...
Well, just like the saying... “there is always a first time” I guess not all First Time are worth remembering… and this is one of those!!!
Anyways, the good side though is that she’ll be back tomorrow from her Baguio trip (Business Planning Session of her new employer) and I won’t miss it for anything not seeing her. In fact I’ll be the one fetching her… Yipeee I get to see her FIRST… Hmmmm… Now I’m beginning to love First Time again
Ok folks got to sleep co’z I have a trophy to bring home later...Go Go Go Tiger Woods!!!
SuNseT at CorRegIdor

Sunset Viewing!!! Lovely isn't it?!?
I really find it romantic and peaceful...
The beauty of which is that they differ everyday...
And everyday you get to enjoy a new glimpse... a new view..
Another reason why we should visit Corregidor (other than it's historic feat) -- Sunset Viewing!!!
P.S. How i wish my ShenGGie was with me that time :)